Analisis Pengolahan Limbah Cair Dengan Fitoremediasi Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) di Pabrik Kopi, Ermera, Timor Leste

José Cardoso, Kiki Syaputri Handayani, Rukmini Aliman, Chafid Fandeli




Pengolahan limbah cair pabrik kopi PT Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT) di Suco  Railaco, Ermera, Timor Leste sebanyak 54,000 m3 diproses secara kimia dengan menggunakan kapur. Kurangnya  waktu tinggal  dalam membentuk flok untuk mengendapkan bahan organik  pada  proses koagulan menyebabkan limbah  cair masih menimbulkan bau busuk.  Sehingga, diperlukan upaya menurunkan bahan organik limbah cair yaitu dengan teknik fitoremediasi eceng gondok Eichhornia crassipes dan dicampur kapur. Untuk mendapatkan perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian ini, pengujian dilakukan selama 5 hari untuk penurunan kadar Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5 days (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), dan Total Suspended Solid (TSS). Pengolahan  limbah padat eceng gondok secara anaerobik untuk pembuatan kompos organik dengan metode Takakura dengan bantuan aktivator berupa efektif mikroorganisme (EM-4) (100 ml) dan mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) (100 ml) adalah selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh perlakuan 20 rumpun eceng gondok dan 600 g kapur (CaO) memiliki tingkat kemampuan terbaik pada BOD5 sebesar 12.53 mg.L-1 (33.56%), COD sebesar 26.96 mg.L-1 (28.65%), dan TSS sebesar 34.66 mg.L-1 (55.36%). Sedangkan kompos eceng gondok memiliki C/N rasio sebesar 72.93, dan belum memenuhi persyaratan SNI19-7030-2004 akibat pengaruh suhu dan ketinggian timbunan kompos sehingga kemampuan mikroorganisme pada  aktivator  lebih dominan dalam perombakan bahan yang mengandung protein (N-Organik) jika dibandingkan dengan merombak bahan yang mengandung karbohidrat (C-Organik).


Kata kunci: eceng gondok, fitoremediasi, kapur tohor, kompos, limbah cair kopi




The wastewater treatment of coffee factory PT CCT in Suco Railaco, Ermera, Timor Leste as much as 54,000 m3 is chemically processed using CaO. The lack of time in forming flocs to precipitate organic matter in the coagulant process caused the wastewater had a foul odor. Therefore, alternative ways are required to reduce the organic matter of wastewater, by phytoremediation with water hyacinth and CaO. To obtain the best treatment to reduce levels of BOD5, COD, and TSS was for 5 days. Anaerobic treatment of water hyacinth waste for organic composting by the Takakura method with the activators in the form of EM-4 (100 ml) and MOL (100 ml) was for 14 days. The results showed that the treatment effect of 20 clumps of water hyacinth and 600 g of CaO had the best level of ability at BOD5was 12.53 mg.L-1 (33.56%), COD was 26.96 mg.L-1 (28.65%), and TSS was 34.66 mg.L-1 (55.36%). Meanwhile, water hyacinth compost had a C/N ratio of 72.93, and it was under the requirements of SNI19-7030-2004 due to the influence of temperature and height of the compost pile so that the ability of microorganisms in the activator was more dominant in the reshuffle of materials containing protein (N-Organic) when it compared to overhauling materials containing carbohydrates (C-Organic).

Keywords: eichornia crassipes, phytoremediation, calcium oxide, compost, coffee wastewater


eceng gondok; fitoremediasi; kapur tohor; kompos; limbah cair kopi; eichornia crassipes; phytoremediation; calcium oxide; compost; coffee wastewater

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