Journal History
JSAL: Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan is a journal under the management of Environmental Engineering Study Program, Brawijaya University which has been established since the year 2014. JSAL published 3 (three) times in one year i.e. April, August, and December editions, by publishing articles manuscripts on natural and environmental resource engineering, liquid waste treatment, solid waste treatment, exhaust emissions and B3 (hazardous and toxic substances) design and process; water and land resource management; spatial management of watershed and coastal areas; environmental remediation; disaster mitigation; environmental health; economic and social environment.The number of articles per number on each volume amounted to 5 articles.
JSAL has been indexed by Google Scholar, GARUDA (Garba Rujukan Digital) and Crossref (DOI/Digital Object Identifier). Since January 2020, JSAL has indexed Science and Technology Index (SINTA) and accredited at number 5 (S5) by Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia (The Ministry of Research, Technology, and higher education of the Republic of Indonesia). This accreditation status is valid for 5 (five) years, starting from Volume 5 Number 1 (2018) to Volume 9 Number 2 (2022). Accreditation certificates can be seen in the announcement section of this journal.
We would like to thank the Editorial team, Reviewer, author, and other parties who have supported us. We hope to receive more articles from other talented writers.